Portable Toilets For A Wedding?! Make This Idea Seem Less Low-Class By Following These Simple Tips

An outdoor wedding is nothing short of nuptial bliss as long as everything goes as planned, and one thing is certain: guests must have access to restroom facilities. If a wedding planner recommends that you go for rented portable toilets to cater to the bathroom needs of your guests, your first impression may be to furrow your brow in concern. While portable toilets do a fine job at sports events, outdoor concerts and even carnivals, how do they fit into an event as upscale as a wedding? With a little creative ingenuity, there is no reason these basic public facilities will not work out just fine for your big day. 

Conceal the portable toilets in a hidden area.

Portable toilets work great for other public events, but those basic blue, black, or brown plastic structures will likely clash with the rest of your wedding day decor. Yet, there is no reason for the portable toilets to be parked right next to your reception area filled with tulle and daisies or close to your planned ceremony spot decked out in red ribbons. Have the delivery person situate the portable toilets in an area that can be better concealed, such as behind a group of trees or even inside an outdoor event tent by themselves. 

Dress up the portable toilets to make them more wedding-worthy. 

The interior of a portable toilet is pretty plain-Jane with just the bare necessities. If you want to give your rented toilets a wedding-worthy appeal, why not dress them up just a little? Place a small mat on the floor, hang a wreath on the door, or even situate a vase of flowers inside. Just including a few pieces of interior decor can make the portable toilets feel more worthy of being placed at an outdoor wedding venue. 

Make the portable toilets more comfortable and inviting. 

If your wedding will likely be going on after dark, keep in mind that portable toilets usually have no light. Placing a small battery-operated lantern or candle inside will eliminate this issue. One other thing that is hard to avoid with portable toilets is the odor that comes along with their use after they have been in use for several hours. However, what you can do is stifle the odor just a bit by placing a basket of potpourri inside or leaving an automatic air freshener dispenser attached to the door. Contact a company like Road Runner Waste Service Inc for more information.
